Download PDF by M. M Botvinnik: Match-Tournament for the World Chess Championship 1948

By M. M Botvinnik

Турнирный сборник, прокомментированные партии.
Настоящая книга посвящена матч-турниру 1948-года, давшего первого советского чемпиона мира - Михаила Ботвинника. Основное содержание книги - это детальный анализ пятидесяти партий, сыгранных в этом соревновании.

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A Two-Move problem was published in the Morning Post over 30 years ago by Zukertort which began by capturing en pas. but without check, and in which a previous move of a Black P two squares could be demonstrated. No. 28, originally appearing in the Daily News, is stated by no less an authority than A. C. White to be a new theme. For clever strategy, beauty, and difficulty combined with genuine economy, how many modern compositions beat 35, composed so far back as 88. We have been unable to trace the identity of the composer.

35. whk)wD} {dpDwdpdW} {wGWIWDWD} {DwdwDNdw} {WDWDPdWD} {DWDWDwdW} vllllllllV Self-Mate in eight CHAPTER XV NOTES ON SELECTED POSITIONS Granting that composers will often be unable to give expression to certain ideas and secure both soundness and really good keys—this is especially the case with Two Move Problems—it must always be the aim to achieve point and interest and to wed the key to the central motive of the position. Take a position like 62. It is clear upon analysis that the opening does no more than lose a move; but it does it in such a way that it awakens interest.

G. W0WD} {DWdwgBDW} {WDwDRDWH} {DW4WDWiW} vllllllllV Mate in two 4. A. G. } {DW1rhWDW} {WDWDWDWd} {DpdWDpDB} {W)bHWiW)} {$WdwdWDW} {WDpIWHW$} {DWGWhW4W} vllllllllV Mate in two 5. A. W} {W)pDWdW$} {DWdbdWDW} {WDrgNDWD} {GWDRdWdW} vllllllllV Mate in two 34 chess problems made easy attacking Key, will soon eliminate all cuuuuuuuuC 5. A. Mari but the White B to a. It must go to a {WDWhWDWD} square above the fifth rank to allow {DpdKdWDW} Rd4 mate. Which? W} at f5 must be limited so as to enable Q {W)pDWdW$} to mate at g8 after the S move referred {DWdbdWDW} to, settles the point.

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