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By Herbert Grasemann

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2. 3. Each Knight is placed between a Rook and a Bishop (see Diagram 6). 4. One Bishop stands between the Queen and a Knight and the other between the King and a Knight (see Diagram 7). 30 5. The Rooks occupy the corner squares (see Diagram 5). 6. A player’s lower right-hand corner square is always a light square. ” 7. A pawn needs five moves from its original square to reach the other end of the board. 8. ) 31 Lesson Two Chess Notation Review Questions: 1. Who moves first in a chess game? 2. What color is the left-hand corner square nearest a player?

That is, he can choose between promoting a pawn to a Queen (the usual choice), a Rook, a Bishop, or a Knight. It doesn’t matter if there is a Queen of the same color on the board already: you may have another one. ” It is possible for a player to have nine Queens; in practice, however, two should be enough. Similarly, the rules of the game allow a player to have ten Rooks, ten Bishops, or ten Knights, but there is no recorded instance of such cases ever occurring in a game of chess. If you cannot find an extra Queen, Rook, Bishop, or 37 Knight in your set, use an upside-down Rook, spools of white or black thread, or some other suitable objects to represent the extra pieces.

The Bishop which stands on a light square at the beginning of the game can never move to a dark square, and similarly, the Bishop on a dark square at the start of the game can never move to a light square. The Bishop that moves only on light squares is called the light-square Bishop and the one that moves only on dark squares is called the dark-square Bishop. A Bishop can move to any 50 vacant square on either of the diagonals (Diagram 41) on which it stands, so long as there are no men of either color blocking the way (Diagram 42).

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