Download e-book for iPad: Lacanian Coordinates: From the Logic of the Signifier to the by Bogdan Wolf

By Bogdan Wolf

Psychoanalysis is an adventure of truths and lies in language. it's also a discourse, and a praxis. Lacanian Coordinates takes the reader from the start of Lacan’s educating, from the common sense of the signifier and the Lacanian topic, to the force and item a, qua item a, the paradoxes of guilt, and eventually to the need of the opposite, love, and femininity -- the topics explored and built in moment quantity of Lacanian Coordinates (2015).

Volume One explores the issues of Lacanian orientation that lead us to the particularity of the topic, and considers no matter if we discover them now not exclusively within the discourse of the common, to which faith, technology and philosophy testify, but in addition within the analytic adventure itself. Psychoanalysis creates stipulations for an stumble upon with an analyst and with phrases forgotten, missed, underestimated, but additionally bursting with that means and surprises. every one bankruptcy contributes to this subjective awareness, taking as reference the hospital, the voice of an analysand, and daily discourse. An ethics that emerges from this adventure isn't really of the superego yet of a talking being confronted with the non-existence of an all-knowing and omnipotent different.

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Extra info for Lacanian Coordinates: From the Logic of the Signifier to the Paradoxes of Guilt and Desire

Example text

And this then receives a practical twist, almost like a commandment. And this is supposed to open up space for love, namely for the question of how to cope with the lack of satisfaction, given it is the common denominator for the lovers. Now, love can assume, according to Perel, a dimension of pleasure and turn into the pleasure of thinking about another, as Jacques-Alain Miller called it, or of speaking to each other as if the spouses have only just met. In effect, this discourse of love, the pleasure of thinking of and speaking to the other, can sustain the unsatisfied desire where words, and thoughts, serve as signs of love, and where unsatisfaction assumes a (plus) value.

According to Nietzsche, yes (1984). According to Freud philosophy is not an illusion. But let’s say in defence of philosophy that it forms a discourse that places thinking in the dominant position while at the same time failing to include what it excludes, namely what it lacks. It is almost as if it had three rather than four elements in the Lacanian discourse I will take this up later. Hence Lacan’s remark to the students of philosophy about the object a, something which philosophy fails to account for.

But let’s start from some kind of a beginning. The School exists. It exists to the extent that it was founded by Jacques Lacan with a single stroke of an act. It was founded in 1964, so it has existed for about half a century at the time of writing this. The sole reason for it coming into existence was Lacan’s desire in the act called founding. The Founding Act or Acte de fondation thus bears the mark of existence. Then there is a history that preceded the act, the de-supposition of Lacan at the hands of his colleagues, the ostracism and the ex communica to which he was subjected by the IPA in 1963.

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