Psychotherapy After Kohut: A Textbook of Self Psychology - download pdf or read online

By Ronald R. Lee, J. Colby Martin

Hailed as "a terrific textbook geared toward introducing psychoanalytic self psychology to scholars of psychotherapy" (Robert D. Stolorow), Psychotherapy After Kohut is exclusive in its clutch of the theoretical, medical, and historic grounds of the emergence of this new psychotherapy paradigm.  Lee and Martin recognize self psychology's roots in Freud's pioneering scientific discoveries and pass directly to record its particular indebtedness to the paintings of Sandor Ferenczi and British item relatives theory.  continuing to readable, scholarly expositions of the valuable options brought by means of Heinz Kohut, the founding father of self psychology, they skillfully discover the additional blossoming of the paradigm within the decade following Kohut's death.  In tracing the trajectory of self psychology after Kohut, Lee and Martin pay distinct recognition to the impression of latest infancy examine, intersubjectivity idea, and up to date empirical and medical findings approximately have an effect on improvement and the which means and therapy of trauma.

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Freud originally thought this energy was sexual, but then used the more general concept of libido, a “quantity of excitation” he referred to as “Q” (Freud, 1895). Freud’s concept of libido, which he probably arrived at from philosophy prior to his early cases (Holt, 1976), helped explain puzzling clinical phenomena. From his experience with hysteria patients, Freud could view difficulties in recalling traumatic events as repression of memories and thoughts, that is, without the concept of the libido.

Consistent with Wolfs position, the transference in Dora’s case may not have been just a displacement from her past experiences of betrayal by her father, Herr K, and Frau K, but also was grounded in her experience of Freud. She entered the therapy hoping that Freud would function as a selfobject, that is, be invested in her, affirming her or allowing himself to be idealized by her. Instead, she became the selfobject for Freud’s theory, just as she had been a selfobject for others. Bitter about being constantly used as a selfobject, Dora turned Freud into a selfobject of revenge.

During this time Freud saw her twice a day. At first Freud used the cathartic method with Anna von Lieben in conjunction with hypnosis. Swales, however, claims, on the basis of material from Brill (the New York analyst who studied under Copyrighted Material Chapter 3 26 Freud), that Freud’s introduction of the technique of free association was primarily through this intelligent poetess with a vivid imagination. For reasons of discretion, help in the discovery of free association was attributed to Lucy R and Elizabeth von R, but in an encoded acknowledgment to von Lieben, Freud gave the name Anna to Bertha Pappenheim.

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