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By Marshall Shelley Harold Myra

Hardcover, 348 pages.

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Yet team roles are not always comfortable. ” Surely Grady felt some sting at such moments, but he knew being part of an effective team 43 The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham requires different roles at different times. Count It All Joy, the title of his autobiography, is the phrase that captures his spirit. These men of high capacity saw the larger picture, and when Billy Graham spoke of his dreams, the dreams were theirs as well. Strong team members have strong egos, and playing second fiddle can feel unnatural.

The Graham team saw the dangers and knew they needed strong mechanisms in place that would as much as possible “lock them in” to ethical behavior. 2. Sexual immorality. “We all knew of evangelists who had fallen into immorality while separated from their families by travel,” Billy wrote. “We pledged among ourselves to avoid any situation that would have even the appearance of compromise or suspicion. From that day on, I did not travel, meet, or eat alone with a woman other than my wife. We determined that the apostle Paul’s mandate to the young pastor Timothy would be ours as well: ‘Flee .

Many leaders have drawn inspiration from sports teams that require high spirits, intense concentration on the goal, and absolute determination to excel by stretching capacities to the limit. But in any endeavor, those qualities The test of an organization is are rare. As in sports, some teammates not genius. It is its capacity to don’t live up to their potential, and make common people achieve unexpected events can hobble team uncommon performance. performance. Based on their research, PETER DRUCKER the authors of Executive Teams wrote about teams at the very top of organizations: “The composition of the executive team virtually guarantees some of the team’s members will fail .

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